
We are always happy to welcome new faces in our box!

If you are an experienced CrossFitter and would like to drop-in to one or more of our classes please do the following (it’s in German, but you should be able to do it, just follow the instructions below):

jetzt anmelden

Member or first login:

  1. Open our WOD-Login site: WOD-Login
  2. Click on „Login/Registrieren“
  3. Click on „Registrieren“
  4. Enter your first and last name, Phone number, Email, repeat Email and two times our password.
  5. Click on the Button „Registrieren“
  6. Click on „Neu registrieren“
  7. Once you are logged in click on „Klassen“ to see all our available classes
  8. Click on the class you want and then on „Jetzt teilnehmen“ to register for a class.
  9. Choose the product, for example „Einzelanmeldung (Drop in)“.
  10. Check your „Buchungen“  for a confirmation including the date and time of the class you registered for and…
  11.  You’re done, congrats! We’re looking forward to see you in the box!

Help, everything is in German!

If you get confused by all the German during the process or have any further questions, please feel free to send an email or contact us via the contact form – we’re looking forward to hear from you and will make sure you have a good time at our box!

Respect the WOD, be on time

Please make sure to jot down our address [LINK] and be changed and ready to go 5 minutes before your class starts.


Drop-ins are € 16.

If you buy a Crossfit Chiemgau shirt for €35 your drop-in is FREE.


PS: If you’re staying in the area for a while and want to train with us more often, send us an email.